Membership Benefits

1411349265_tmp_pictures_as_of_10-19-2012_047Connect with other professionals just like you, advance your career, and make a difference by getting involved.

Join HAPS to keep your skills up to date, explore solutions to problems and share your experiences with other members.


HAPS Members can take advantage of extensive benefits, such as:

  • Education.  As a part of our Association, we will assist you in meeting your CE requirements by providing a variety of classes throughout the year (Spanish when available).
  • Quality Presentations. We will ensure that all presentations are informative and relevant to your business needs.
  • Recognition.HAPS is recognized by business leaders in the tax community as one of the best informed and its members being highly ethical in their business practices.
  • Representation. HAPS will protect the rights of its members with the best representation available
  • Qualified Speakers. Our association brings qualified and relevant speakers and conferences. This will ensure that your know1411349390_tmp_pictures_as_of_10-19-2012_057ledge and business will grow.
  • Strong Leadership. HAPS board is headed by professionals just like you who want to make a difference among the Hispanic community.
  • Low Fees. Our Members pay lower fees for seminars, workshops and materials


Pictures: 2012 Annual Conference