ITIN Actualización 2021

ITIN - Actualización

Miércoles Septiembre 8, 2021
10:00 am – 11:00 am

ITIN - Actualización

  • Descripción general del ITIN
  • Actualización, cambios,
  • Reforma tributaria, efectos del ITIN
  • Quién SI debe renovar un ITIN
  • Actual Proceso de Renovación
  • Errores mas comunes
    Preguntas y respuestas

Lourdes began her career with the Internal Revenue Service in 1992 as a Taxpayer Service Representative with the Taxpayer Service Division in El Monte, California. Lourdes also served as a telephone assistor with the local Practitioner Hotline prior to being centralized as the Practitioner Priority Service. Lourdes spent over 10 years as an Individual Taxpayer Assistance Specialist with the Taxpayer Assistance Center. In 2009, Lourdes transitioned as a Senior Tax Consultant with the Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication (SPEC) Organization in Los Angeles. This organization partners with the military, non-profit and faith-based organizations; financial institutions, local and state government agencies; educational institutions to provide free tax preparation services through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) during the filing season. SPEC focuses on providing assistance to low-to-moderate income taxpayers, elderly, the limited English speaking and people with disabilities populations. SPEC develops these same partnerships to conduct various Outreach efforts to educate taxpayers on the various tax credits and initiatives available when filing their federal tax returns. We utilize marketing efforts to promote financial education with our various partnerships throughout the county. In October 2019, Lourdes transitioned as a Senior Stakeholder Liaison with Communications and Liaison.

Lourdes Jimenez

Internal Revenue Service
Communications Liaison



$ 45
$ 1

Codigo de Descuento para socio: COVID

Nota: para el descuento su membresia tiene que estar al corriente     

“Se requiere avisar 48 horas antes del evento para cancelar”

Recuerde que al llenar la hoja de registro poner su CTEC y PTIN completos incluyendo la A y P. Mil Gracias